After our latest AAR (found
here) we got some very nice comments regarding the church featured in that post.
It was build using bits from Valdemar Miniatures as a starting point and to that adding alot of epoxy, spacers, grey stuff, blood, sweat and tears. The fit of the building blocks left a lot to be desired to be honest and required quite a lot of work to fit together properly. The end result is more than satisfactory though!
The overall layout and proportions are inspired from many stone churches in Sweden built during the Middle Ages, like the Herrestad Church in Östergötland dating from the 12th Century. Our church has the often seen features of a south gate (in addition to the western gate in the tower) and an apse (the semi-circular termination of the mail building in the east end).
The Herrestad Church. The large windows being late additions. |
Here are some work in progress pictures as the build developed.
"Was this such a good idea?" |
Testing the basic layout. |
Even more testing. |
The construction begins. Tricky. |
The basic building completed, the apse still missing. |
Detail shot of the construction of the south gate. |
Grey stuff and filler being used. Lots of it. |
The apse. Build from half a plumbing pipe, grey stuff and gravel! |
Using filler as a layer of "paint". |
The finished Church. |
The Tower. |
View of the back. |
The church in action.